Disaster Assistance Organizations
- Greater Houston Community Foundation:
The Mayor of Houston has set up the Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund, housed at the Greater Houston Community Foundation:
To donate directly to this fund:
- Center for Disaster Philanthropy:
The center has set up the Hurricane Harvey Recovery Fund, and provides updated information for philanthropy and donors on Hurricane Harvey and how to provide support:
- Texas VOAD (Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster):
A good list of nonprofits and agencies to review for possible support in Hurricane relief efforts. VOAD is considered a strong local convener and coordinator and is led in part by the OneStar Foundation, whose mission it is to build the capacity of the Texas nonprofit sector.
- All Hands Volunteers:
Its response team has multiple teams on the ground and a commitment to stay for two years. This organization’s work is the essential next step after the life-saving work of emergency responders wind down.
- American Red Cross-Texas and Louisiana Gulf Coast and response to Hurricane Harvey:
- Americares:
Providing emergency medicine and supplies, distributing water, and mobilizing medical outreach with our local partners.
- Clean the World:
Clean the World is providing disaster relief hygiene kits in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey. Donations are needed to help purchase the supplies in the kits and to get them out to affected areas. It has been working with individual organizations in Houston and has been given specific instructions on supply needs. The greatest need is financial support.
- Coastal Bend Disaster Recovery Group:
From its website: The Coastal Bend Disaster Recovery Group (CDRG) based on the Texas Gulf Coast is a state-recognized long-term recovery nonprofit group created to address the unmet needs of Coastal Bend area residents affected by disaster. In the wake of Hurricane Harvey, areas of the Coastal Bend will no doubt be devastated and long-term recover needs of the under-served population will emerge. (Donations, via the link, are accepted through the Coastal Bend Community Foundation.)
- Convoy of Hope:
Has deployed fleets of semi-trucks and equipment on-site to provide immediate deliveries of relief supplies and emergency products to affected areas as requests come in from partners on the ground, as well as local and state relationships.
- Direct Relief:
Providing critical support and supplies to a network of safety net health centers in the greater Houston and surrounding regions impacted by Hurricane Harvey. Is also assembling emergency health kits.
- Houston Food Bank:
Currently, the Food Bank itself is inaccessible due to the floodwaters in Houston, and the food bank staff are working around the clock to get it open and operating to assist flood-impacted people in the Houston region. Donations are currently being accepted.
- Portlight Strategies:
Partners with and aids people with disabilities in the wake of disasters. The current message on its website reads:
“We're working with TX government, FEMA and disability organizations from across the country to address the lifesaving needs of callers. We are rallying stakeholders by working together to help get people to safety, provide for any immediate needs they may have for disability-related accommodations, durable medical equipment and other assistive technology, responding to evacuation and sheltering issues and problem-solving for a variety of immediate disability accessibility issues.”
To make donations to Portlight’s Hurricane Harvey Disaster Relief Support:
- Save the Children:
Providing a great deal of on-the-ground relief, with a focus on ensuring that thousands of children are safe and receive needed supports and aid, including for the thousands of infants and children in shelters. Save the Children will also help child care centers in recovery and rebuilding mode, as these businesses are not eligible for FEMA funding.
- Southern Baptist Disaster Relief (SBDR):
A religious organization working on the ground to provide disaster relief and response to impacted people and communities. Partnering with the Red Cross to provide disaster relief services in Houston and the Texas Gulf Coast. From its website:
“SBDR has been around for 50 years, providing disaster relief including hot meals, clean water, child care, laundry, structure repairs, rebuilding and more. With a trained volunteer force exceeding 80,000 people, SBDR fuels the third largest disaster relief agency in the United States.”

Hurricane Irma - South Florida & Carribean
- The Miami Foundation:
This community foundation serving the Greater Miami region has set up a fund to support relief and recovery efforts in the wake of Hurricane Irma. The stated purpose of the fund is to help recovery and rebuilding work driven by organizations on the ground. To learn more about the fund, and to give:
- Mercy Corps:
Mercy Corps’ emergency responders and the organization’s dedicated 63 Haiti team members are responding. Its team in Haiti is coordinating with other organizations and discussing what types of assistance are needed, with a focus on water and hygiene, cash and support to help people recover their livelihoods and crops. The org. is distributing information flyers to its community partners, including farmer and youth associations, with advice on how to minimize property damage and livestock loss. Its teams will conduct damage assessments and identify needs in affected areas.
- Oxfam America:
Oxfam, and its partners in the Dominican Republic and Haiti, are preparing to respond. Oxfam has worked in the Caribbean region for more than 30 years, and its expert teams are supporting a network of local partners providing safe water and sanitation for those people most vulnerable. Its teams will continue to monitor, on the ground, what is needed most.
To support Oxfam’s relief efforts in the wake of Hurricane Irma:
- Partners in Health:
A public health-centered organization, PIH has a longstanding base in Haiti, and will work to protect the poorest families and kids from the worst impacts of Hurricane Irma. Its work includes supplying local health clinics and emergency teams with the needed supplies to respond to this disaster. It currently operates 12 clinics and hospitals across the country, and for several years has worked to educate and help strengthen health care worker skills and the readiness of health centers to respond to natural disasters of a large scale.
To support PIH’s relief efforts in Haiti in the wake of Irma:
UNICEF is mobilizing to provide support to communities impacted by Hurricane Irma. More than 10.5 million children live in Caribbean countries threatened by Irma. A senior official stated “Our priority is to reach all those children and families in the affected communities as soon as possible.” UNICEF has pre-positioned emergency supplies for dispatch, including drinking water, nonperishable food, medicines and emergency kits. In the weeks and months ahead, UNICEF will be helping children affected by Hurricane Irma resume their educations. To ensure that storm-affected populations have access to information and can communicate, UNICEF has activated its U-Report platform, designed to allow youth and adolescents to send messages via social media platforms. The number of youth asking to receive these messages has increased rapidly over the past 48 hours, particularly in Haiti and the Dominican Republic. To learn more, and to give to UNICEF relief efforts in the Caribbean: https://www.unicefusa.org/stories/unicef-responding-catastrophic-hurricane-irma/32788
If you have any questions or require further assistance, please contact your MCF philanthropic advisor.